Fitness routine ultimate guide

Routine , routine , wherefore art thou fitness routine ?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and you’ve been missing your routine like a child misses their blankey.

We know we need it , but why should we have a routine? 

It’s the cornerstone to any successful process, and the easier it is the follow, the greater the success it will have.

Waking, training, eating, sleeping, working, you’ll find they all click far better when kept to similar times,(obviously give or take a little we’re not talking precisely the same times daily.)

Try this for the rest of the week, getting the same wake/sleep time, similar meal and training times (including the weekend btw its 28 % of the week)

Needing to think less is key, planning is reduced when routine is in place, you’re less anxious, you feel fresher, recovery is better, procrastination is reduced, it’s now a part of the process.

Again much like this daily email, its part of my routine. its repeatable I have structure in place, and as you’ll see over the coming month becomes more and more automatic. 

If I didn’t have that routine in place, its hard to replicate consistency, which we know leads to far better outcomes.

Make it easy, make it repeatable.
LD .

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