I started my journey with Larry and Kate on the “Affiliate” programme in August 2020. I was 20 years of age and 110kg. Prior to this programme it took me 12 months to lose 4kg and this was due to unsustainable “diets” which was just pure rabbit food and starvation which just ended in comfort and binge eating. I’ll be honest before I got involved with the Affiliate I had lost hope in trying to lose weight as I felt my size was now controlling my life emotionally and physically and there was no return. I had no self confidence or belief.
Larry replied to my initial message within an hour and we began conversing and Larry decided that the Affiliate is the best way forward for me. Larry gave me the tools and motivation to do the work for myself and stayed in contact with me each week for a general check in ,ensuring that I am on track and confident with the work I am doing.
I found this programme so ideal as each workout is 40minutes to an hour long when following Larry’s tempos and rest time so there is no excuse anymore for me to say “I don’t have time”.
I am currently 6 months with Affiliate and I now weigh 88kg. The physical difference is great I’m lighter, stronger, fitter and faster but mentally I feel I’ve achieved much more. I am much happier,confident and now love looking at myself in the mirror and actually feeling happy with how I look. To be honest I can’t wait till we are back to a normal way of living in so I can finally have a photo taken of myself without the mental worry of if I’ve a double chin, if look fat or “are my clothes too tight”.
Lastly, Larry and Kate both care so much about each and everyone one of their clients and it shows. I can’t thank the guys enough for helping me improve myself in every way possible.
I’ve only one regret and that is not growing a pair and joining the Affiliate sooner.(I have to start saving now for smaller fitting clothes
