
Training. Food.

Is this another fitness and diet plan? No. We give you the tools and empowerment to create a lifestyle for long term results. Not quite ready to join a gym? Check out our home or gym based training options for just €30/mo.

or try our free home workouts

The last "fitness plan" you will ever need

I will give you the tools and empowerment to create a lifestyle for long term results.  —Larry Doyle.

Ireland's first Business All Star provider of online coaching, training and workshops.

About Larry Doyle

  • Larry has coached over 2,000 clients online and in person during the last 15 years and now regularly holds workshops to up skill other Personal Trainers from around Ireland.
  • Larry Doyle Coaching is the first online training business to be Accredited by the All Ireland Business All Stars, which recognises businesses who show outstanding trust, performance and customer service.
  • Larry’s goal is to continue to give clients who work with him the tools and empowerment to achieve high quality sustainable results.
Larry doyle coACHING

“Before my approach was all or nothing and ended up always failing. The Affiliate has taught me it’s a continuous process and taken the pressure off and allowed me to learn the fundamentals and build upon them each week.”

Seeing other people’s experiences in the Facebook group is so helpful and reassuring, especially Kates. On Instagram everyone has their shit together so it’s helpful to see other people struggle with the same issues as me. The weekly tracker has helped me hugely with accountability.”

Aidan got in his best shape to celebrate being cancer free…

Having suffered testicular cancer twice in my 20’s my goal was to be in the best shape of my life for my 30th birthday. The goal was big, something I never achieved before. I contacted Larry about a year out from my photoshoot date. I needed a solid coach on my side to keep me

From working with Larry, I’m down 20lbs along with inches all over (8.5 on my waist alone), and I’m the healthiest and happiest I have been in years

I started the Affiliate with Larry back in January with no big expectations as I’ve always found it hard to stick to “diets”. 6 months on I look and feel like a whole new person. My relationship with my body and food had gone to the dogs. From working with Larry I can positively say

They made the whole experience of “cutting calories” enjoyable.

As a coach myself I began 1-1 online coaching with Larry in hope to learn as much as I could while stepping into the shoes of a client for once. I had a goal to get as lean as possible in 6 months but slow and steady for a holiday. No question was too big

I learn at least one new thing every week and I have become a lot less stressed about food

I experience very little guilt around food now and has come from the knowledge and guidance of Larry & Kate . I know how to fuel my body & I now understand I have control over my choices and to not let food control me.  I train max 4 times in a week, but right

Since starting the Affiliate I have become far more efficient in the gym

I find I am far less stressed in the gym because the workouts are clearly laid out and I don’t have think about what to to next. Paying close attention to rest periods and tempo makes a huge difference when it comes to the weight being lifted and also feeling more satisfied after completing an

The Affiliate has totally changed my view on exercise and nutrition and for the first time in my life I am completely mindful of what I am eating and making good choices without feeling like I’m missing out.

I started the Affiliate two months ago feeling quite low if I’m honest. For the last few months of 2020 I could feel my weight slowly increase and I felt crap but was doing nothing about it. I’ve never been great in sticking with the gym anyway so there’s no point in me saying those

“I have made serious strength gains and enjoyed every single workout, my physique has improved remarkably without it feeling like loads of work.”

My general health has become so much better, I’m making adult food choices effectively and engaging in constant support & education from the Facebook group.”

All those clothes that were suddenly too small for me, actually fit again and it’s the best feeling ever!

I definitely haven’t been the most communicative client you’ve had, but I’ve made so much progress since I joined the Affiliate in September. I started off bored and no motivation left in the gym, but the different workout plans you provided every month really took me out of my slump and gave me that kick

“I get so excited when I see someone wearing an LD Hoodie … instantly friends!”

The Facebook group and the feeling of belonging to such an amazing community, I love logging on to see the interaction. I am forever learning and picking up tips from both of you so thank you!!! You are undercharging and over delivering and it’s so great to see! Having a solid programme to follow, it’s so

I really cannot recommend Larry highly enough as he is an absolute knowledge bomb and is a true professional in his field.

I am so grateful I was in such good hands for my first bikini competition. For me, a coach isn’t someone who sends you diet plans but is someone who supports and looks after you. I can honestly say Larry did just that and more. He has taught me how to eat to properly fuel

I’m down from 84kg to 81kg and with better shape and feel a lot stronger.

The Affiliate gives you great insight into food ideas for cooking and gaining knowledge of healthier food choices. Understanding the micros/macros etc. Being able to have any question answered while being able to get views and opinions from all people involved which gives a access to large amount of knowledge. Genius! The monthly change to

“The knowledge and support I’ve received as a long term member of the Affiliate has enabled me to improve my relationship with food.”

I’ve learned so much in the last two years since joining the Affiliate. Dealing with the usual ups and downs of life. I’ve been guided by Larry and Kate in how to approach wellness no matter the circumstances. Goals change, as life can throw us curveballs. I started this journey with losing some belly fat

“Since joining Affiliate I have most importantly less stress with more structure and more results!”

As a PT and full time student myself, I used to go to the gym 5/6 days a week with intentions of just working as hard as I could. This killed my enjoyment and turned something I love into something stressful and more of a task than a hobby. I value rest days more now.

The Affiliate has really helped me to achieve my overall goal with developing a healthier perspective towards food.

I haven’t been new to training, but I am definitely new to the perspective and mindset Larry has helped me to achieve. – The  Affiliate has really helped me to achieve my overall goal with developing a healthier perspective towards food. Rather than under fuelling my body, through education and learning Larry and Kate have

Not only am I in the best shape I’ve ever been in but my mindset was completely changed, towards the way I view food, calories and training.

“I started training under Larry 12 weeks ago under the recommendation of a friend and previous client of Larry. I had used coaches before and was aware of how things usually went. But this time it was different, Larry and I immediately clicked and I knew from the initial intake call that somehow this would

Matt lost 18lbs eating 3000 calories a day

“I have a much better relationship with foods, especially carbs.”

The Facebook forum gives great tips and diet hakes, I find it very helpful. My strength has gone up due to finally tracking all sessions.”  

“Overall my starting weight was 63kg and now weighing 59.5kg, with waist dropping 4cm and thigh dropping 5cm, thrilled overall and can not wait to continue!!!!

I have had a brilliant 3 months! I can actually eat 1,950 calories and not put on weight, and I’m feeling leaner each day which is something I never thought would happen! I always had a fear of deadlifts and this programme explaining the technique and the videos makes it easier, I love doing them

It feels really good to look in the mirror and like what I see, it’s even better to feel as good as I do on the inside, that’s where the real transformation has happened.

“I’d been following Larry for a while, enjoyed the content, liked how he shared his knowledge, gave honest answers…he seemed like a coach I’d enjoy working with but I hesitated for so long and really wish I would’ve reached out and started with him sooner! March 2022 was when I got to the point where

female fat loss , fit over 40 , Larry Doyle Coaching , personal trainer , transformation ,

I’m down from 64kg to 60kg and I do not feel like I am dieting.Really enjoying the whole process and could not recommend enough!

When joining the affiliate in August I was aware I had a lot of social events coming up so I wanted to maintain self control and be accountable for the food/exercises choices I was going to make. In October I moved to Australia and travelled for 6 weeks before settling in Melbourne where I’m currently

“Amazing experience with a much healthier outlook on not seeing any food as good or bad and no more binging because I’m full!!”

For the first couple of months I wanted to get a healthier relationship with food and training, having come from a very difficult place with self perception and a poor relationship with food. Now after 3 months on the Affiliate my mindset is in a great

“It’s not a transformation programme about aesthetics, unlike other programmes I’ve followed in the past, it puts a huge focus on health to set you up with good habits for life.”

My sleep, digestion and stress management have never been better which has had a knock on effect on my mood and performance at work and the gym. Larry and Kate are great at putting out informative content, a rarity on social media these days. I learned to pull myself out of a rut that lasted

He’s a top class coach and goes above and beyond for his clients.

I approached Larry for the typical lose body fat and to ‘tone’ etc but what I got in return was so much more, yes my body composition changed dramatically. Could I be happier with my appearance…of course us ladies are never happy with some body part!! Coming from a powerlifting background my training changed and

Id recommend larry to anyone in any stage of their journey with health and fitness . It’s been awesome .

“I started with larry around the end of May 21 , been the best decision I’ve ever made for my health and understanding of things with food , when to hold off and when to up the gears. I started it all to just be a healthier version of myself and feel better in myself.

In the last 10 weeks or so Iv dropped nearly a half a Stone and inches all around including 4 from my waist! 

Since starting the Affiliate programme back in September I have such a different mindset to training and eating. I feel way more in control. Training one day less but training hard, eating lots with treats every day. Slow steady controlled progress in a sustainable manner. Thank you both so much for everything, buzzing for v1.4.

“I have found an enjoyment for training again, the programme has helped me set a weekly routine and helped me improve my strength in the gym”

“I’m really loving the Affiliate, the biggest result for me is feeling super healthy. I’m eating so many veggies guilt free and I feel more energised from all the extra micros!!

Actually having a program to follow is a huge help, I used to do my own programs, get bored and then just make up my sessions on the spot. The Affiliate program is great because I know it changes every month which I find is just the right amount of time for me so I

I am loving the training! I am down 4kg, down cm everywhere and really happy with my progress so far!

I have really enjoyed my time so far. I have done 12 week programs before and got good results, but because I was checking in weekly I would find myself becoming obsessive and getting upset if I slipped up with food or missed a training session, where as the affiliate has taught me about taking

I lost over 10kg, got way leaner but my main thing was my attitude toward food became normal.

Before Larry, I had a terrible binge eating problem, where I would indulge in 10,000 calories at least daily through chocolate and sweets easily and then I would feel awful for days but the cycle continued binge, say that’s it no more then repeat. Literally had no control! Over the 30 weeks, I ended up

Working with Larry has been the best investment I have ever made for myself and is so much more to me than any before and after transformation photo.

When I started coaching with Larry I was at a very low point in my life. I had done my research and knew this was an investment I needed to make for me, and my mental health and I haven’t looked back since. Quite simply working with Larry has changed my life ten fold.  When

Being part of the community means its not just me on my own doing this.

The three biggest things for me: 1. Accountability- it’s not just me on my own doing this. 2. Constant touchpoints- when I open Insta you’re there, Facebook- you’re there too…emails, oh there you are again… oh my tracker!! This has been huge for me to stay motivated and accountable. 3. Mixing it up with the

“The takeaway so far wasn’t actually the 11kg I’ve lost but the knowledge I’ve gained around my food and lifestyle”

Joining the Affiliate programme, I was looking for a bit of guidance and structure to my training and nutrition and I think I got that and more. I’ve been delighted with the process so far, I took it slow to begin with and Larry & Kate just make the process easy – giving you the tools

I joined up with Larry and kate as I wanted more of a life style change, and you have taught me loads about food,sleep stress and your environment

I did crossfit training before going the Affiliate, I moved to new gym to try something different commercial gym & needed a training program needed and structure then lockdown happen ? but the homeworkouts are actually brilliant I am learning loads about reps,tempo etc and thinking of the muscle. It is making me slow down

“I love the community aspect of the affiliate program, 10/10 would recommend to a friend!”

I had originally been with Larry for 1:1 coaching last year and I learned so much, so much that I felt like I didn’t need the 1:1 as much, I wasn’t ready to go it alone though as I felt I needed a bit of structure to keep me going and to keep me accountable,

I find I have energy every day to deal with a young baby at home and get the 3-5 workouts in weekly so I’m delighted with my progress!

So I started around the end of January and have lost 3kg since. I started out on fat loss macro’s and still stick to them, however nowadays I find myself happy with the progress I’m making (muscle ‘definition’ is getting better each week) so I’ve tended not to even track my macros anymore. I solely

I finished my 5 months having gone from 199lbs in jan to 173.2lbs and 12.1% body fat

I started with Larry in the start of the first lockdown last year after having a bad online coaching experience at the start of the year but wanting to find some accountability and structure in a mental time and it was one of the best decisions I made. – Larry & I set the goal

“My relationship with food is the best it has ever been, I feel fantastic in my body, I am confident and comfortable in my clothes while feeling strong and fit.

I absolutely love the Affiliate, I can feel the mindset change happen. Most lifts are now at the heaviest they have ever been and I am more confident in my form while performing them. My measurements are on the way down, the scales fluctuates but weight is down on when I started. I love the

I feel better in myself, happy with food and getting active again.

In a short period of 3 weeks I have lost 10 & 1/2 lbs. That might seem like a-lot or noting to some but to me it has changed my whole mindset, given me focus and now I’m determined to get to my goal with the help and support of Larry Kate and the Affiliate

With Larrys guidance I went from over 200lbs to now sitting at 165lbs, having completed my first marathon and photo shoot while following a vegan diet.

I met Larry first at 16, first person to show me around a Gym. After two years of training I went to college where fitness and health wasn’t a priority and for various reasons gained a lot of weight. 250lbs at my heaviest. I tried training on my own for 2 years to get back

“Physically I’ve dropped from 82kg to 76.9kg while strength is increasing and weekend binges are no longer a factor.”

I release now that in the past I was not training with enough intensity and with the Affiliate I’ve learned to drive myself further, get that extra rep etc. I’m learning something everyday whether its training, macros or general health knacks. Legs are stronger and recover faster. My mindset has been positive and my time

The training programme is AMAZING – they look super easy but they’re not – really effective, always under an hour and also feel them the next day.

I initially joined for the monthly training programme but its made me think of so much more other than just what I do in the gym. I have no problem with exercise, if anything I over-train as gym / running / classes are a habit and I love training, its everything else that needs my

“As a PT myself structure it something I struggled with big time, I love having the Affiliate plan to follow, the change up every month keeps it exciting and interesting.”

Learning new exercises, even as a PT there’s always so much to learn and correct form is something I’ve really focused on. I feel my workouts have benefited and have definitely gained strength. The conditioning was new for me and made me realise its something I should be working on to keep my fitness levels

Larrys knowledge and guidance is second to none, and its clear if you want to be the best you can be, you should be working with the best there is out there.

I have always been a pretty lean build and quite an active individual (gym, running, GAA, cycling, crossfit) Thus always having a high energy output meant weight maintenance was never an issue for me. On the other hand getting calories in and being consistent was my weakness. I contacted Larry in May of this strange

“The best thing I’ve done in a long time, I have the confidence to walk into a crowded gym and do my own thing”

Even when there is a hard day at work going to the gym and doing the program gives you a clear head and makes you feel so much better . It’s helped so much with my food intake and understanding of food. I wanted to be able to go the gym on my own and

I lost 12 kilos and I am now eating 2,500+ cals per day.

I reached out to Larry in March 2018. I had been with a PT for over a year, tried every diet there was. I thought being with a PT I would achieve results I wanted. I was paying through the roof, they didn’t show up for sessions, and didn’t give me tools I needed, so

Larry’s knowledge and experience are why I chose him as a coach. He has walked the walk as well as talked the talk over the last number of years.

As an owner of 2 PT studios I have always worked long hours but always managed to fit my training in somehow. However, after the birth of my daughter I found it extremely difficult to get motivated with lack of sleep, trying to juggle everything. When I finally decided to pull myself out of a

18kg down – Joining the affiliate programme was one of the best decisions of my life.

“I joined Larrys affiliate program at the start of 2021 because I wanted some consistency in my life. I play a lot of sports and have been gyming since I was 15 (10 years) so there was always stages every year where I would do pretty well and be in good shape but by the

“I can’t thank them enough for their help over the past year not just changing me physically however helping to change my own mentality”

When I first joined I had some bad food habits that I needed to overcome . I lacked motivation to go training as I was stuck in such a rut with the same old routine. Kate and Larry helped me overcome my issues in several ways, the main one was a new program every month

I’m the leanest I’ve ever been, losing 6.5kg in three months, not starving myself, and progressing through the workouts

I reached out to Larry and Kate amidst Covid lockdown, where I add access to some very basic gym equipment – DBs, a BB and a bench mostly. – I wanted a program that will have me focused with my workouts, going into the small gym, move weights and get out. – The programs were

“Ive lost about 5kg (88 to 83kg) the lowest I’ve been in 2 years all down to applying everything I’ve learned through the Affliate!!

I started the programme with lower back discomfort, 3 months into the Affiliate and I have gone from barely being able to do a body weight box squat to being able to squat up to 50kg and pulling back if I feel I’m overdoing it – another thing I’ve learned…go at my own pace and

I am now 6 months training with Larry and 14kg down, and 6kg lower than my pre-pregnancy weight.

I started the affiliate program when I was 12 weeks postpartum after my second child. The Affiliate gave me the structure I needed to get back into training, tracking my calories / macros and great weekly accountability from the check-ins which was ideal because they were quick and straight to the point. It’s great because

sustainable fat loss

Larry guided me through prep for a holiday, where I hit the beach feeling & looking good but most importantly, feeling confident in my own skin

I had been following Larry on Social Media for a while & loved reading his content. It was factual & straight to the point, hitting some home truths! In November 2017, I contacted Larry to enquire about online coaching but at the time, he had no spaces available, which I think speaks for itself. A

I’m 6 kgs down but most importantly for me is that after 36 years I have built a healthy relationship with food.

For the first time in forever I haven’t been constantly thinking about food, my weight and criticising myself when I look in the mirror. Previous to starting the affiliate I had prepped a few times over a number of years, I loved the whole process and I love training but I was never able to

“Now I actually enjoy going to train as I have structure to it. I think the affiliate is a great idea and I wish I joined it sooner!”

I’ve enjoyed the programmes for the past few months, it was a huge change to my training. Since starting with the Affiliate I’ve done a lot of workouts I generally would have avoided and started doing conditioning which i had never done. I think the biggest changes I’ve seen would be my general health and

“The video clips are super! They really give me confidence to do the exercises and I’ve started to enjoy training again.”

I have more confidence in the gym and I’m starting to see my body shape change. I love going to the gym and not having to think about what training I’m doing. It’s all planned out for me! New plan each month keeps me motivated so I don’t get bored of the same training sessions. Life

“Now I find I don’t stress about food at all. I’m eating more than ever and I love it.”

I’ve lost emotional attachment with food. No food is good or bad to me anymore. I used to freak out if I even ate a sweet, like one sweet!! I eat like an adult, I plan for my treats, and even if I don’t plan I just move forward. I train 90% of the year so

“Following proper activation of muscles from the porgam I found I regained some strength with exercises that I got lazy with before. Also my mind to muscle connection has increased greatly.”

“I have gone from a binge every week to just one in 3 months and I got that in control really quickly”

I have improved my own accountability so much, learned to own my choices and be honest in what I decide. Stepping away from technology and finding ways to destress and relax has HUGELY improved  my sleep. There will always be hiccups, life happens but being consistent means you can get back in control really quickly.

Is this going to be YOU?

What will YOU be writing as your success story in 6 months

Over 4 months I lost 30lbs, my energy levels went up, my quality of life and outlook vastly improved. I feel a lot more like my old self!

I have known Larry for several years (2013).  I have seen him in action many many times on the gym floor but this was my first experience of working with him (via the Affiliate). I reached out to him at the end of July 2019 – just back from a family holiday. I have 2

Larry has an unmatched ability to draw motivation and to instil belief.

I was lucky enough to have Larry prep me for two shows as well as develop into a close friend and mentor. To say that the service and dedication that he provides to his clients goes above and beyond would be an understatement. He can not only help you follow the path to your goals

“I have been most impressed by Larrys genuine care for the health of his clients and his no BS approach.”

In September 2018, I went to Lar with the goal of adding some lean mass along with improving things like digestion, training quality and my relationship with food. After spending 7/8 months in a surplus, we pushed calories to 800/1000 higher than I ever had before (something extremely difficult if you’ve ever been obese &

“Never realised how much I needed something like LD coaching until I joined”

The facebook and Instagram affiliate accounts are extremely useful even though I might not interact a whole lot I still read everything! Its so handy for asking questions and reading other peoples questions and answers on anything and everything. Getting to the gym and having a structured training plan that I love has also increased

“I just wanted to be fit and healthy and happy. The Affiliate System has been the perfect answer.”

Before joining the Affiliate I was spiraling in the gym, my structure was loose and a little bit aimless. Adherence was an issue, but I didn’t necessarily want to jump into a full on 1:1 training programme as I don’t have any huge “goals” to achieve. Every month like clockwork there is a new programme,

Working with Larry and Kate and joining the affiliate has been the best decision of my life!

For me this isn’t just a physique transformation, it’s a mental one also. I’ve always been very self conscious of how I looked and what people thought of me since been over 20 stone at 18 and up until recently even been fit. Working with Larry and Kate and joining the affiliate has been the

“Your Instagram page and Facebook page really help when comes to food ideas (can’t wait for the book till you knock Joe Wicks off his perch haha)”

I came into this programme off the back of a knee injury and I was scared to do legs incase I agitated it but with your help I got over that fear and am back squatting heavy. The best thing is that I have my mojo back, I train at 5:30 in the morning and

The Affliate is just what I had been looking for, I have got a huge amount from it and I’m really really loving it so far!

I love the workouts. I love that it’s done for you and it’s there at the start of the month ready to go. I love that assurance that a professional has designed it so I’m getting whatever muscles etc I need to be getting at the right reps and sets. It’s that confidence that I’m

“I am a different person since starting, from my mental health to my confidence with food, training & my appearance is totally changed for the better & I couldn’t be happier.”

I started with the guys over 12 months ago on the Affiliate. I started mainly due to my previous lifestyle being a constant battle of over training, under eating leading to constant burn out & then binging & back to square one, I knew I had to get out of this vicious cycle. When I

“I have built muscle and feel stronger, I have lost KG’s and I feel more confident in myself.”

I am learning and understanding new exercises. I feel more confident in the gym because the videos have been a great help. The fact the program changes every month also means I don’t get bored so it means I am always excited to go to the gym and try new

Down 50lbs and we’re not done yet…

I joined the affiliate around 2 years ago, however I only count it from October 2021 as that’s when I really decided to put the work in, and my number one takeaway from my experience thus far is that it works wonders if you work with it! Larry’s relationship with me and his other clients

How to lose 50lbs diet fat loss Ireland

“I just love the training programs, the leg programs are brilliant”

Really enjoying the training. I have exams in May and I am changing roles in work so it has been difficult, but I still hit my training. But need to document my food and training a bit better.  With everything else going on training is just my outlet. But diet will need to improve this

“Its the best investment I’ve ever made, I’ve seen more progress in the last 3 months than in the previous 2 years!”

I’m going into my forth month on the Affiliate and over the last three months my strength has gone up and my relationship with food has really improved. I don’t have guilt associated with eating certain types of foods and my digestion has drastically increased thanks to all the tips from Larry and Kate. In

Larry’s knowledge, guidance and support has been such an investment for not only myself but also for my business so that I can help clients who need my support just as much as I need his.

When I first started 1-1 coaching with Larry 18 months ago I wanted to get into better shape but he taught me something far more important than aesthetics – he taught me health!! We made simple changes to improve sleep, digestion, physical recovery and he brought my awareness to the importance of destressing daily which

“Since starting the affiliate program I’m making much better food choices and having much more diversity in my diet.”

Before I started I was a 70/30% guy, pretty good Mon-Thurs then going off track on the weekends. But I’m finding it much easier to be consistent now, and I’m still enjoying life, travelling around different parts of Australia while still being consistent for my goals which I’m loving. But over the last 4 months

To say I’m happy with my results is an understatement… a huge 20kg off in 8 months!!

So nearing the end of my cut phase while on the Affiliate and to say I’m happy with my results is an understatement. With just little over a kg to go before I start a lean gain phase and a huge 20kg off I would just like to say a huge thank you to Kate

As well as increasing strength and muscle through Larry’s workout programs I also shaved 2 minutes off my 5km PB.

In April I contacted Larry for a maintenance program as with everything reopening over the summer months I knew I would struggle to keep weight off but at the same time I didn’t want to limit myself by taking on a fat loss program that I knew I would struggle to stick to. Through Larry’s

“Now I have learned about counting macros, I have so much more flexibility while being able to stay on track. It doesn’t feel like I’m on a constant diet.”

I know this sounds dramatic, but before when I was on a set meal plan I felt like I had to sick to that, I said no to a lot of things or if I did go out for dinner or drinks I would feel awful guilt. One of the reasons I signed up to

I started at 110kg, now I’m 22 kgs down over 6 months

I started my journey with Larry and Kate on the “Affiliate” programme in August 2020. I was 20 years of age and 110kg. Prior to this programme it took me 12 months to lose 4kg and this was due to unsustainable “diets” which was just pure rabbit food and starvation which just ended in comfort

I now feel like I can comfortably stay on track whatever my lifestyle throws at me.Counting macros gave me freedom to cook/eat/enjoy whatever foods I felt like.

I have spent the past year working one to one with Larry and it has been absolutely amazing. I have advanced so far, not only physically and mentally – but in so many other aspects also. When I started with Larry I had just finished an extremely intense diet period. I was desperate to get

“I’ve upped my calories, upped my strength and found freedom!”

I’m no longer scared to eat, I now eat to fuel my sessions. I’ve found food freedom and stopped obsessively counting macros. I have so much more structure in my gym sessions and no longer spend time killing myself, I get in and get it done. I now know how to balance a night out

“I have lost 2 kg , bringing me to my goal, and I couldn’t be happier!”

The regular change in program keeps me motivated, I am enjoying the gym and following the program. It takes the thinking out of it and I have just been enjoying the results. I was stuck at 77.7kg for months and now I’m in the 75kgs and I couldn’t be

I’ve lost 3-4kg, hitting new PBs, I feel much stronger, and have more energy!

I’ve been a member now for 3 months and I’m absolutely loving it! Its exactly what I needed to give me the knowledge and confidence to go into the gym and smash a great workout. My nutrition has improved and Ive added loads more vegetables and fruit to my meals. Knowing the macros is a

“You learn that the gym isn’t everything that you have to adapt your mindset to a healthy approach to the everyday and that’s more critical than how much you can bench.”

Larry and Kate are fantastic and I would highly recommend them to anyone. I’ve been with Larry now for just over a year and I’ve learnt a lot about myself, nutrition and training (I’ve lost weight and gained muscle but that’s the least important bits) that I am able to apply to every day life.

“Kate and Larry gave me the tools I needed to control my eating habits”

Fantastic Service !! A credit to both Larry and Kate.  Joining the Affiliate has allowed me to gain control of my health and fitness journey. Kate and Larry gave me the tools I needed to control my eating habits, aswell as great workouts that helped me increase my strength and fitness with each session. Keep

I’m 6kgs down so far and still going….

The Affiliate has been really good so far. I started in February at 104 kg, now down to 98 kg, so moving in the right direction. I can really notice the change in my body shape in comparison to my start out

I’ve lost over 4kg, but the change to my physique and confidence was a huge unexpected bonus!!

“I’m 5kg down in total since starting two months ago!”

At the beginning I was up and down 1kg but in the past month I’ve lost 4kg consistently and I’m excited to eat well every day. My goal is to get down to 68kg by August (I haven’t been sub-70 in over 6 years!) The Affiliate has provided me with the tools I need to

“The information provided in emails and on the Facebook group is incredible and really insightful”

The programming is fantastic, there is great variety and I come away from sessions feeling like I’ve worked hard. Through the guidance of the program and Facebook group, I haven’t felt guilty about not getting to the gym much in June. I went to Spain for 5 days of sunshine (where I did train twice

After following Larry and seeing the attention and effort he puts into his coaching, I knew he was the coach I wanted to work with to get me in shape for my wedding day”

I started working with Larry on a 1 to 1 basis back in February 2019, ahead of my wedding which was in August. I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose, but wanted to ‘tone up’ especially around my mid-section as my wedding dress was very fitted, all whilst remaining primarily focused on my

I would highly recommend working with this man to get you in the best shape of your life as he is like a book of knowledge.

I went to Larry with one simple plan to get me in the best condition possible in 16 weeks. I have known Larry’s work for some time now and knew he was the man to help me achieve my goals through his training and nutrition plans and he did not disappoint. I knew it would

The Affiliate gave me the tools, reassurance and support I needed to start my journey and to keep on track.

“I started with Affiliate at a time of low body confidence and self esteem and just feeling like I knew very little about how to tackle the journey alone. I’d tried “doing it myself”, even just to get fit enough to go to a gym and not be so self conscious but wasn’t making the

This is far more sustainable and building a better more sustainable lifestyle rather than focussing on short term gains. Very happy!! 

It’s approximately 10 weeks since I started the affiliate – 84kg and currently tracking at 75.4kg. Looking better, feeling better, sleeping better and have been able to maintain a consistency in a different way to what I have done before. MFP, macro cheat sheet have been game changers for me & being more balanced on

Larry has helped bring the spark back into my life as I now have the confidence in my own body to be the best version of myself.

I joined Larry’s 1-1 coaching in October 2018 after getting myself in a long term rut of cutting calories during the week and then binging at weekends. I had previously worked with online coaches for 12 week periods before and although I got results – as in the scales went down, I never actually got

I have a more healthy relationship with how and what I eat, it’s no longer a diet but just what I enjoy.

In the last 5 months for me the biggest change isn’t the scales, but the way I approach food and training has dramatically changed. I now see it as something that fits into my day to day routine, it’s not forced, I have no guilt if I want to eat a choc bar or I

“I’ve been a steady 70kg for a number of months now and in the last month I’ve gone down 4lbs!!”

I’m loving the training and I see a huge difference and realise I am a lot stronger than I thought, I have come out of my comfort zone. The variety of training you’ve given me every month has been deadly! I’m enjoying training these days as when I started with you  I was bored with

Working with Larry has been a life changing 6 months, looking forward to continuing this journey with him.

I can’t speak of or recommend Larry highly enough. He provides the tools to achieve a balanced healthy lifestyle; suitable exercises and training plans, better understanding of nutrition and its benefits and the ability to learn how to handle life stresses and strains. Often going above and beyond helping me with any

And for the first-time last January I didn’t diet. I actually did the opposite and started increasing calories and put a lot of focus into my training ( & recovery) with the aim of increasing lean muscle.

“Back at the same weight , leaner , maintaining my weight on higher calories with an improved body confidence & it didn’t come from just dieting! Throughout the year I went from 134-154lbs , my heaviest and my leanest. – Early Last year I went through an improvement phase- spending less time dieting, more time

What made the difference was how invested Larry was in me as his client.

From day 1 working with Larry and Kate it’s been a consistent flow of great programs, a professional set up and precise nutritional guidance. It’s not a one size fits all approach, Larry got to know my day to day life and made the process unique to me. It’s finding out what worked best for

I can weigh myself and it doesn’t bother me its just a number not my value as a person.

Before I started training under Larry I was lacking in confidence both inside and outside of the gym, restrictive around certain food groups and terrified by the number on the scales. I wanted an online coach as I felt I wasn’t getting the most out of my training and at times a little lost From

“The Affiliate is one of the best programs I have ever gotten involved with.”

These guys are amazing! They give so much content for you. Coming from over training and binge eating to be able to train 3 to 4 days a week and eat a tone of good nutritious foods and all the nice things also in moderation and still progress and get results. There there for you

The Affiliate a perfect mix of detailed programming with the flexibility needed for adherence.

In the gym I have shifted my focus to, in equal parts, weight, tempo, and technique. Where previously all I concentrated on was lifting as heavy as possible.While on the Affiliate  I have developed a better relationship with food which not only results in better body composition but also a more mature and less guilty

“I really enjoying not having to plan my workouts just show up and knock out what I need to.”

I’ve learned to actually keep account of my daily calories which has been very effective. I know exactly what I am doing in the gym every day and no messing about. I have been steadily putting on weight (lean gain) and as of this morning I am up 3.3kg since the start of December. “

The Affiliate has given structure to my food and training, alongside further education to get the tools I need to make decisions on my own.

Super impressed by the infrastructure Larry and Kate have for all the education and

“I feel fitter and stronger and more confident!”

I even see some of the lads in the gym following some of my exercise regime now! I’ve learned how to “REST”, how to include tempo into my programs and I have increased confidence in quality of exercise

“Very early into the program I could start seeing my shape change & I’m thrilled”

I found the past few years that no matter what program or exercise I done I could not shift the few pounds I wanted to but the Affiliate put me in the right direction for food &

I’ve always believe the fastest way to success is to learn from the best. Working with Larry I got to work with one of the best.

It’s been 12 years since I first entered the fitness industry as a personal trainer but it had been a few since I’d had a consistent gym routine of my own. I’d grown tired of weights and a crazy travel schedule had left me slack on my food, unprepared and eating on the go. My

“I’ve been delighted with the Affiliate program since joining a few months back”

The three biggest takeaways for me: 1. Reducing my overall training load – I’ve gone from feeling like I need to go to work out 5-6 times a week (each time doing a session with some form of high intensity work), to doing 4 solid, tough sessions a week. 2. Feeling comfortable in the weights

Larry has instilled a belief that I can do whatever I set my mind to! Like all of his clients I am so lucky to have him!

When I made the decision to work with a coach there was no doubt in my mind who I wanted it to be. Larry’s expertise, experience and knowledge in the field drew me to him. Achieving incredible results while maintaining health and client focused values, in an industry where that is often neglected for the

I’m currently sitting at 69kg which is my lowest weight in 7 years!

Started at 78kg in March 2019. I definitely haven’t been perfect, just consistent. I’d say to anyone thinking of investing in themselves is go for it! The pic of me now does not reflect 9 months of perfection – I f*cked up many times over. The difference was that I was accountable and consistent, so when

“For where I am in my life its just what I need and I’ve really enjoyed the training”

The support of the Facebook Group is HUGE, no judgement, just help and guidance and supporting you through the ups and downs and helping you find a path through the bad weeks. Finding the silver lining. The recipes and mindset around food is very refreshing – Breakfast style foods aren’t just for breakfast!! My weight

4 months With Larry totally changed how I perceive the world of training and nutrition, more than any degree or PT course has done in the past.

I was receiving coaching from Larry for a little over 4 months and I can’t speak highly enough of him and the service he provides. I was fairly happy with my start physique as I’ve always tried to stay in good shape due to Rugby, and coming from a strength and conditioning background I thought

“I just feel better in myself and sooo much more confident! I love myself now!”

“I have gone from a size 12 jeans to a comfortable size 10. My face has gotten significantly slimmer and I’ve had lots of comments telling me the same. Binging in the evening times used to be a huge problem for me after coming in from work but since starting with Larry and becoming more aware

In my opinion Larry sets the bar for everyone in the fitness industry

I’ve been an ongoing 1-1 client of Larrys for 9 months now & previous to that had been an Affiliate for about a year- it was definitely one of the best decisions I could have made. I see Larry as not just a coach but also a mentor & could not recommend him highly enough.

My confidence and strength is in the best place they have ever been.

So here I am 7 months and 8 kilos later, something I never thought I’d be proud to say. I’d just about recovered from a lower body injury when I reached out to Larry back in August 2020. My lower half had vanished as you can see Between lockdown, injury and lack of confidence after

The Affiliate has allowed me to be comfortable with gaining weight. Eating more food doesn’t mean I’ll get fat!

I have seen huge results both mentally and physically. Eventhough I’m in a gaining phase I can see results with lifting heavier. Also just been able to see each lift improve and adding on more weights every

To date I’m down 13kg and my outlook on training and diet has completely changed, for the better!

I started on the Affiliate in February with a goal to lose body fat and improve my diet in general, to date I’m down 13kg. Reached a point where I’m pretty ready for lean bulk,couldn’t be happier with the progress pics from the start to now. It’s so good to see the hard work that’s

The Affiliate has put me in a much better place both physically and mentally for the season ahead.

I started this journey with the end goal of getting lighter and stronger for Ironman Cork 2022. In total since starting I’m down nearly 20kg overall, I feel stronger from the full body workouts which I was able to incorporate along side my other training. The information you have out there is phenomenal and the

“I love the interaction in the Facebook group, it is a constant motivation and support system when I need it.”

I am loving the Affiliate and have been doing it for 3 months now, I am lifting heavier and I am not afraid to push a little more. I know I have to be a little better with hitting my macros to see major results but I’m not afraid to enjoy food and just be

“I am now nearly 7 months in and I have lost 7kg of fat. Energy is through the roof & I feel amazing.”

I’ve been on the Affiliate for just over 6 months now. Before I joined I had been going to the gym training 5/6 times a week. I thought I knew what I was doing. How wrong was I? I definitely wasn’t training hard enough and definitely wasn’t training the right way. Apart from the training,

I started this personal journey on 4th January and I was 106kg and now I’m 90kg

In January of this year I decided with all going on with the lockdown and not being able to work that it was the perfect time to focus on myself. Most of time I’m focused on helping others so I knew it was an opportunity to just solely focus on my own training and nutrition

“I have learned how to optimise nutrition and also most importantly still live my life”

I have stopped over complicating it and I got my love for weights back. I started at a 40kg back squat, I am now at 60kg. My trap-bar deadlift has gone from 50kg to 80kg and my single arm row has gone from 7kg to 15kg!! My scale weight hasn’t changed much but my measurements

“I definitely have a better relationship with food and I am not afraid to eat more than 1,500 calories a day!

I’m getting stronger and leaner despite eating more, and I feel better knowing that what I’m doing in the gym isn’t pointless and that I’m not wasting my time. I’ve been going to the gym for 2 years now and I would never know when or where I should increase the weight and how much

“I came away with a great understanding of macro-tracking and general nutrition – much more valuable than cookie-cutter diet plans!”

 ‘I came to Larry wanting to get in shape for my upcoming wedding and to look as good as I possibly could in my wedding dress. I am incredibly happy with the results! Larry and Kate put such a huge emphasis on health and general well-being – I learned so much about the importance of

“Learning to eat and not be afraid of the calories”

I’ve really joined the programmes so far! Eating everything is a bonus too!! My strength is increasing all the time with many PB’s happening. Over all I would definitely recommend to a friend/family, although I don’t interact with the Facebook page I do get a lot from it and find it very beneficial!”

I now have more energy for life and along with all of that I’m more positive and happier too.

I have been working with Larry the past 15 weeks and I honestly couldn’t be happier with my results so far – I was going through a stressful time in my life and felt I needed a bit of help with my nutrition and training – my goal was to drop some body fat and

“Confidence in allowing myself to increase calories, increased body confidence and overall mental state has improved significantly!”

Managing stress has become so much better recently. I have suffered fairly bad with anxiety & insomnia the last year but by using the Affiliate I have learned how to de-stress and chill out and it’s pretty much turned itself on its head. Also I’ve become so much more confident in increasing my calories without

Larry was also very clear from the word go that he would get me in shoot shape but wouldn’t do anything to compromise my health in the process

The affiliate coaching is definitely the unintentionally best kept secret in the fitness industry. For €30 a month I had access to a new training program each month, tailored nutrition, a weekly accountability thread, a library full of training videos, video cookbooks and a online community that was so encouraging and helpful. – After my

Over the two years I have been working with Larry he has stayed true to this philosophy – HEALTH comes first ALWAYS!!

After my first season competing as a bikini athlete, I knew I needed to find myself a new coach. I wanted someone who would view me as an individual and not just a generic “bikini chick.” I had heard only positive reports about Larry and so I reached out for help. The first thing that

The main result I have achieved? Treating my mind and body better. I have achieved peace by fighting binge eating off

The biggest thing for me has been learning to eat without shame or guilt and been able to deal with food without feeling bad emotions towards it. Also the exercises I’m extremely grateful for your creativity during this rough time in lockdown we are all facing. I am constantly learning from Macro Management and its application

“I wanted something I could learn from and I am – and not just about food and training but about general health and making ‘fitness’ fit in with your life. Excellent value for money.”

I have taken control of my health rather than just doing what a coach tells me and learned I can balance out calories to factor in ‘life events’. The programme doesn’t mean I’m in the gym for hours on end, I like the gym but I have family and friends that I like to see

“They are making my ‘lifestyle’ easy by making me accountable to myself”.

I’m delighted I joined the Affiliate. It is such good value for money, with the content they both share on their own social media and our own Affiliate private group is brilliant – its informative and easy to read and understand. We receive a new training program every month, which I love as I dont

“My metabolism has improved so much and I can now eat 400+ more calories than I was in December and still maintain my weight happily, it’s brilliant!”

I think it’s so easy to scroll Instagram and want to look like a Victoria’s secret model and I’ve found through the Affiliate I’d rather just be the healthiest, fittest version of myself. The program has opened my eyes to how much I was overtraining and how important rest is. I love the community and

“I have seen major improvement in my digestion and my sleep. This alone has had a major positive effect on my mood and how my body feels”

I previously had issues where I would suffer with constipation and bloating but now have regular movements every morning. I put this down to the increase in vegetables and better sleep. I’ve adopted practises from your facebook posts which have really helped. The biggest factor is leaving my phone in the kitchen at night which

Signing up to be coached by Larry has probably been one of the best decisions I have made in my life so far

Most people will look at the difference between the two pictures and notice the obvious weight loss. But what they cannot see, is the improvement in sleep quality, digestion, training knowledge and overall mindfulness when it comes to approaching nutrition. So far I have completed 20 weeks under the guidance of Larry and at no

The knowledge I have gained and the positive habits I have formed through Larry’s guidance over the past 5 months have honestly been life changing

“I decided to sign up with Larry after years and years of going to the gym but never feeling happy with my progress or lack of progress. I watched every fitness YouTube video under the sun and started way too many fitness plans and didn’t finish one of them! I was at a period in

Six months after working with Larry & I’m at 9.5% body fat, energy levels through the roof, mental clarity is sharp as a knife and feeling super.

Back in 2017, after being diagnosed with testicular cancer and needing chemotherapy, I promised myself that I would bounce back and somehow achieve the best physical shape of my life after the treatment. I set that goal for 5 years post diagnosis as that’s generally considered officially in remission. I wanted a tangible goal and

“Best decision I’ve made in years, I’ve lost a huge 9kg in 10 weeks”

After competing in powerlifting for the past 5 years or so I told my self I had to put on weight to get strong which resulted in some strength gains and a whole lot of fat gains…after a chat with Larry about my health I decided to jump on the Affiliate “team”. I say team

I’ve just finished my first 12 weeks with Larry, dropping 11kgs and to say I’m happy with the progress would be a massive understatement!

When I started with Larry in May 19 I was not in a good place with with my relationship with food and / or training. Training felt like a choir which I wasn’t enjoying at all. My food was repetitive & boring which led to many binges and creating a yo-yo relationship with my progress

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